Tuesday 6 April 2010


On the 29th March 2010, I finally reached a new milestone.

After an arduous 2 year journey, with far too many twists and turns to recount (a story for a later time, perhaps), I finally shipped my first game.

Though it may be small fish in a small pond, the feeling of finally reaching my first shipped title, (and of knowing that I've managed to do it with a hell lot of figuring it out on my own), is simply priceless.

Too many times did I doubt, question, pray and beg for things to just fall into place, and though it took A LOT longer than expected, I'm reliefed to finally see the coming of this day.

So please, spread the word, show some love, leave a rating, and if you can, buy the game (it's only $3 USD).

Ladies and gentlemen, I present to you:


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