A film of sweat covered my naked torso, as I stood in the middle, hands on waist, looking... just looking around me at the work that I had accomplished over the last 20-hours. Nodding to myself in self-satisfaction, I saw that it was good, and I was pleased.
The familiar morning call of a bird rang through the glass window, as I lowered myself to sit down on the floor, knowing that I was one step closer to the picture in my mind.
Space. We all need some to call our own.
After years of gestation and procrastination, I finally set out on a 3-week long mission to redo and revamp my room - my little space. A Space of relief after a long day, a Space to while away a lazy weekend, a Space that I would proud to call my own.
From the cleaning of the poster-filled, light-green walls, to the destruction of two bulky study tables, to the painting of the wardrobe and the bed frame, to the 20-hour wall-painting marathon, to the numerous visits to the neighbourhood Ikea, to the self-assembly (and accidental destruction) of the newly arrived furniture - the journey was definitely one that was more than trying, one that was lonely, and one that required a little bit of faith - faith to look beyond an empty room into a fully-realised Space.
While my peers are probably moving on to bigger things - bigger Spaces - like newly-wed apartments, condominiums and whatnot; for me, for now - I will happily live in my quality over quantity, in the cosiness of my constraints, between the 3 shades of my 4 monochrome walls - falling asleep in front of my TV, on my white little sofa, with a smile on my face and a PS3 controller in hand.
Starting Point: The Room Before
Game Posters abound, cluttered furniture and green without envy.
Checkpoint: The Minimalist
Living on 5 pieces of furniture, a (newly painted) bed(frame) and wardrobe, a TV, a chair and a collapsing shelf.
Mid-Point: The Painter
Dual-layered, 3 toned walls finally achieved after 20-hours straight of day-to-dusk-to-dawn of painting and patching.
And after 3 days of self-assembling, packing and decorating, my Space is finally realised...
Sofa Area
TV Area and "The Library"
Black Bed under the Branch
Work Area